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Master of Science in Information Systems


1.1 Academic training objectives:

Master of Science in Information System (IS) is built and implemented to meet social needs of the high-ranked workforce in IS who is with proper political view in mind, dignity and physical well-being, excels in IS’s fundamental and depth knowledge, able to organize and apply IT application in developing professional and management activities in socio-economic organizations.

Learners are provided with fundamental and in-depth knowledge, concrete methodologies, methods of analyzing, designing systems; analyzing skills, synthesizing, making solution, developing critical thinking in order to do research and solve popular problems of the field.

Learners access the latest achievement in IS; are able to apply the IS achievements practically, have the ability to do research and develop at a high level.

The Master of Science in IS program is categorized into 03 types: researching Master of Science program, research orientation Master of Science, and application orientation Master of Science.

  • Researching: it provides learners with in-depth knowledge of IS, intensive scientific research methods; skills of critical, creative thinking and independent ability while doing research so that learners can proactively explore and create their personal opinion, idea and scientific treaty or scientific experiments; they are able to work as researchers, teachers or apply for professional positions in IS; or they continue their education in the doctoral degree program.
  • Research-oriented: it provides learners with in-depth knowledge of IS and appropriate scientific research methodology so that they can work independently and organize researching; conjure up scientific idea in their mind; they can work in research institutes and teach at universities; they continue their education in the doctoral degree program.
  • Application-oriented: through the program, learners improve their professional knowledge and skills; work independently and creatively; analyze designs, implement a system of information, employ a research outcome for professional activities. Learners are required to study additional fundamental knowledge and research methodology in case they continue their doctoral degree programs.

1.2 Study period of time and compulsory credits:

Type of Training: Full-time

Period of time: 2 years.

According to the Circular No.15/2014/TT-BGDĐT by the Ministry of Education and Training, learners who graduated from universities in IS and with the accumulated credits of at least 150 credits, they are entitled to having a quicker period of time from 1 to 1.5 years.

Total accumulated credits: 60 credits, including:

General knowledge: 7 credits

Fundamental and professional knowledge: 28 credits (researching), 35 credits (research-oriented) or 41 credits (application-oriented)

  • Compulsory modules: 9 credits.

· Elective modules: 19 credits (researching), 26 credits (research-oriented) or 32 credits (application-oriented).


  • Researching: 25 credits.
  • Research-oriented: 18 credits.
  • Application-oriented: 12 credits.

1.3 Viewpoint in the making of the program

Information System is the field of researching and application of IT in socio-economic systems. UIT has applied theories into reality to produce IS experts who can react well with the socio-economy development. This program is tailored and developed on:

  • Professional Associations’ recommendation:
    • Association for Computing Machinery: "Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Degree Programs in Information Systems" 2010
    • Communication of The Association for Information Systems: "Model curriculum and guidelines for graduate degree programs in information systems" . 2010
  • This IS training program was referred from prestigious universities both in Vietnam and overseas, such as:
    • VNUHCM - University of Science.
    • VNUHCM - University of Technology.
    • University of Technology – Vietnam National University Ha Noi City.
    • National University of Singapore.
    • The University of Arkansas (USA).
    • Carnegie Mellon University (USA).
    • University of California, Los Angeles (USA).
    • The University of Melbourne (Australia).

UIT’s Master of Science program in IS was tailored by combining the above list of reference so that learners are free to select one out of 3 majors involving IS Management, IS Administration and Business Analysis.

1.4 Competency and Job vacancy

Learners graduating with the Master of Science degree in IS get higher competency to apply for a job vacancy to be:

  • Specialists to analyze, design, install IT projects to meet different needs of application in organizations and enterprises.
  • Researchers at Institutes, Centers; teachers at Universities and Colleges.
  • Chief Information Officers, database administrators.
  • IT specialists in Business Analyst
  • Specialists take charge of planning projects, making policy on IT development, providing consultancy, proposing solutions, constructing and maintaining IT projects.
  • For research, and research-oriented programs, learners can continue their doctoral training programs.

1.5 The subjects on the entrance examination

Test at the entrance examination includes three subjects:

  • Fundamental subject: Mathematics for Computers.
  • Professional subject: Fundamental IT.
  • Foreign language: examination takers choose one of the following languages: French, Russian, German, Chinese and Japanese.

An examination taker must register a foreign language at a university’s testing center. In case the foreign language which he / she registers is not included in the examination at that university, they can register at any of VNUHCM’s foreign language testing centers during the VNUHCM’s entrance examination for Master program to take that selected foreign language. In case both of VNU-HCM and the university do not have the examination for his / her registration of foreign language, the candidate must prove that he / she meets all conditions for exemption of foreign language examination that is prescribed in UIT’s regulations on the enrollment of Master and Doctoral degrees.


Total accumulated credits: 60 credits, including:

  • General knowledge: 7 credits
    • Philosophy: 3 credits
    • Mathematics: 4 credits
    • English: excluding (0-7 credits, depending on learners’ English proficiency)
  • Fundamental and professional knowledge: 28 credits (researching), 35 credits (research-oriented) or 41 credits (application-oriented)
    • Compulsory modules: 9 credits.
    • Elective modules: 19 credits (researching), 26 credits (research-oriented) or 32 credits (application-oriented).
      • General elective subjects: 15 credits (researching), 19 credits (research-oriented) and 21 credits (application-oriented).
      • Elective modules: 4 credits (researching), 7 credits (research-oriented) and 11 credits (application-oriented).
  • Thesis:
    • Researching: 25 credits.
    • Research-oriented: 18 credits.
    • Application-oriented: 12 credits.
  • Rate for the amount of knowledge:










General knowledge















Compulsory modules





General electives modules





Elective professional modules














Learners are allowed to accumulate over 60 credits