The Faculty of Computer Networks and Communications announces the registration for the graduation thesis in Semester 2 of the academic year 2023-2024 as follows:
Students who have registered for the graduation thesis course should contact their instructors to register topics and receive guidance. After obtaining approval from the instructor, students submit the Graduation Thesis Registration Form and the Graduation Thesis Outline (attached files) following the INSTRUCTIONS ON USING THE WEBSITE and register complete information as required.
Each group can have a maximum of 2 students for the graduation thesis. Only register the same topic with students who have registered for the course; only one member of the group needs to provide information, and the remaining students confirm.
Thesis registration period: From 28/02/2024 to 05/3/2024.
Students should carefully read the "Instructions for using the website" link above.
Title of the thesis in English and Vietnamese: only capitalize the first letter of each line and proper nouns (do not write all uppercase).
Thesis outline files should be submitted in PDF format and named according to the template: ThesisOutline_<StudentID1><FullName1><StudentID2>_<FullName2>.pdf
Students in the Talent and High-Quality programs must register with instructors who hold a Ph.D. or Master's degree obtained abroad. Students can refer to the list of instructors attached (in case the instructor's slots are full, students can ask two instructors for guidance, one of whom is from this list).
Students can explore research directions and topics of instructors here: or contact the thesis advisor to propose a thesis topic.
For any inquiries, students can contact the Faculty Office, Room E8.2, Building E. Phone: 028.37251993 – ext:122
For detailed information, please visit:
Ha Bang - Media Collaborator, University of Information Technology
Nhat Hien - Translation Collaborator, University of Information Technology