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ISE Spark of Ideas Fall 2023 - Memorable Numbers and Moments

The ISE Spark of Ideas competition has come to a close with dedicated guidance from Faculty of Science and Engineering. Let's revisit the highlights and special moments of this event.

Over the course of 3 days of registration and 2 lively competition days, the DS@UIT Data Science Club recorded more than 48 registrations and 36 outstanding submissions from 88 talented UIT students. This is truly a remarkable achievement, a source of pride, and a significant step in providing opportunities for development and creativity for our students.


On October 13, 2023, the finals of the ISE SPARK OF IDEAS 2023: RevolutionizeEDU competition took place at Hall E, University of Information Technology. The finals left a strong impression with excellent presentations, innovative ideas, and the ability to tackle specialized questions from the Judging Panel.

The program was honored to have the esteemed presence of:

Mr. Nguyen Van Kiet - Associate Dean of Faculty of Science and Engineering

Mr. Do Trong Hop - Deputy Head of Information Systems laboratory

Comrade Nguyen Duy Tan – Vice-Chairman of the University's Student Association.

Ms. Luong Vo Phuong Dung - Deputy Head of WebDev Studios Club.

CSAC - Computer Science Art Club.

Alongside the guidance of the Faculty members and the members of the Judging Panel from Faculty of Science and Engineering, members of the DS@UIT Club, and the 08 outstanding teams that surpassed the preliminary rounds, more than 80 passionate students who love innovation and creativity.


We are incredibly proud to announce the results and present a total of 08 special awards to the outstanding teams at ISE SPARK OF IDEAS 2023. There were 02 First Prizes, 02 Second Prizes, 03 Third Prizes, and 02 Potential Prizes awarded respectively for 02 categories related to Data Science and Information Technology. These awards are not only symbols of success but also milestones marking the doorway to the world of knowledge and collaborative opportunities.


DS@UIT sincerely thanks all those who dedicated their time and passion to participate in the competition. Your creative ideas have created memorable moments and a special mark in this competition. We believe that ISE SPARK OF IDEAS 2023: RevolutionizeEDU will continue to spread unlimited creativity and development in the hearts of all participating students. The journey has just begun, and together, we will continue to write new pages on the path of innovation and progress.

Let's take a look back at some memorable photos from the competition!


Detailed Information:

Hai Bang - Communications Collaborator, University of Information Technology

English version: Phan Huy Hoang

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