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Opening Quantum Computing Introduction Class

Quantum computing is one of the technologies predicted to become a trend in the next 5-10 years after artificial intelligence, and it will have a significant impact on many IT industries.

To help students and technology enthusiasts better understand this topic, the Software Engineering Study Department is pleased to announce the "Quantum Computing" class, taught for free by Mr. Phan Hoang Chuoong, which has been offered once a year since 2018.

This class will provide you with the opportunity to understand how quantum computing works and its applications in the modern world. You will learn about basic concepts such as qubits, quantum computing algorithms, and applications, helping you develop and enhance your knowledge in this field.


- Every Friday morning, from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM, starting from April 5th to May 24th (8 sessions).

- Classroom: C106

Registration link:


- This class is open to all UIT students, regardless of their major.

- This class is not counted towards the regular curriculum.

- The class will not be conducted online.

If you are interested, don't hesitate to join right away!

For more details, visit: 

Ha Bang - Media Collaborator, University of Information Technology

Nhat Hien - Translation Collaborator, University of Information Technology