The Faculty of Computer Networks and Communications will be organizing a seminar to assist students in understanding the procedures and research directions for Specialized Projects (Đồ án chuyên ngành - ĐACN) and Graduation Theses (Khóa luận tốt nghiệp - KLTN). The specific information is as follows:
Seminar Name: Introduction to Procedures and Directions for Specialized Projects / Graduation Theses
Time: 7:00 PM, January 19, 2023
Participants: Students who have registered for the courses (NT505, NT114) and other interested students
Format: Online via MS Teams Registration Link:
Joining Link: Will be sent via email after registration.
- Introduction to the implementation process of ĐACN/KLTN - MSc. Tran Thi Dung Management system and report writing support - Eng. Van Thien Luan
- Introduction to the UiTiOt research group - Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Trung Quan
- Introduction to the InSecLab research group - Dr. Pham Van Hau
- Introduction to the IEC research group - Dr. Le Kim Hung
- Research directions of the lecturers from the Faculty of Computer Networks and Communications
Looking forward to seeing you at the seminar.Best regards.
Detailed Information:
Đông Xanh - Media Collaborator, Univeristy of Information Technology
English version: Phan Huy Hoang