With the message "One drop of blood given, one life remains", voluntary blood donation is a noble action, a beautiful gesture of the whole society. Each donated drop of blood not only contributes to saving lives in critical moments but also reflects the spirit of mutual love and compassion, a beautiful tradition of our nation for generations.
The Dormitory Management Center, in collaboration with the Red Cross Association of Di An City, organizes the event as follows:
Eligibility Criteria:
- In-house university students residing in dormitories BA, BB, BC, BD, BE clusters.
- Conditions:
- Between the age of 18 - 60 years, willing to donate blood.
- Minimum weight: 42 kg for females, 45 kg for males.
- Not infected or engaged in behaviors that could transmit HIV and other bloodborne diseases.
- A minimum gap of 12 weeks between two blood donations.
- Must possess personal identification documents.
Date and Venue:
- Venue: Ground floor lobby of buildings C5-C6, Area B – Vietnam National University Dormitory Ho Chi Minh City
- Blood Donation Hours: From 07:00 to 11:30, October 27, 2023.
Specific student arrival times for blood donation are as follows:
- Cluster BE residents: 7:30 to 8:30;
- Cluster BD residents: 8:30 to 9:10;
- Cluster BC residents: 9:10 to 9:50;
- Cluster BB residents: 9:50 to 10:30;
- Cluster BA residents: 10:30 to 11:10.
Important Notes:
- Students are required to register through their respective dormitory clusters.
- Students should obtain a blood donation registration form from the Dormitory Cluster Management to fill in their information.
Detailed information: https://www.facebook.com/ktxdhqghcm/posts/pfbid02hoiTnZsarbS9bk2yr9Dg6KJ...
Hạ Băng - Communications Collaborator, University of Information Technology
English version: Phan Huy Hoang