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Special Announcement from Wanna.W1n! Let's Welcome "Showcase 2023 - UIT Hacking Community"

Wanna.W1n invites all new students and students from previous years with a passion for Information Security to join the first Showcase event of the club. This gathering is an opportunity for you to gain a deeper understanding of the club's academic activities and UIT Information Security Club (UIT InSecLab) - a place that has nurtured young talents for various competitions and academic awards in recent years. Furthermore, this event provides a chance to become a collaborator of UIT Information Security Club and an official member of TeamQ, TeamT, TeamL of Wanna W1n Club.

The club is excited to welcome young and enthusiastic talents at:

  • Location: Auditorium, 12th floor, Building E, University of Information Technology, Ho Chi Minh City National University.

  • Date and Time: 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM on 24th October 2023.

This program is limited to the first 100 lucky registrants! Register today to ensure you don't miss out on this exciting opportunity!

For more details and registration, please visit:

Further information:

Written by: Hai Bang

Translated by: Ngoc Diem