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Announcement of the 22nd AmCham Scholarship Program

Reference to the document dated October 18, 2023, from the American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam regarding the announcement of information about the 22nd AmCham Scholarship Program; Viet Nam National University Ho Chi Minh City proposes the following details for member institutions and affiliates regarding the 22nd AmCham Scholarship Program:

Total number of scholarships: 60 scholarships for 19 universities in Ho Chi Minh City and Binh Duong province.

Scholarship value: 15,000,000 VND per scholarship.

Eligibility criteria:

Students in their last 2 years of study (from the 5th year onwards for the Faculty of Medicine); regular undergraduate programs, academic year 2023-2024.

Cumulative GPA at the time of application of 7.0 or above (on a scale of 10) or 3.0 or above (on a scale of 4.0).

Active extracurricular involvement and clear career orientation.

Proficiency in English communication.

Application process and selection procedure:

Online application submission (from now until November 1, 2023): Applicants are required to submit their applications online at the following link:

Competency assessment (November 11-17, 2023): Applicants will undertake a competency assessment involving calculations and reasoning.

Interviews (November 25, 2023): Applicants will be interviewed (mandatory in English) by human resources experts from leading companies operating in Vietnam.

For detailed information, please visit:

Ha Bang - Communication Collaborator, University of Information Technology

English version: Phan Huy Hoang