The Office of Graduate Academic Affairs- Science Technology notifies the students of the Information Security major who have successfully defended their master's theses on December 15, 2023, as follows:
Deadline for resubmission of 01 thesis (corrected, bound in a blue cover with gold embossing, accompanied by a CD as per regulations):
Deadline: 15/01/2023.
Submission location: Room A.106, The Office of Graduate Academic Affairs - Science Technology , University of Information Technology (Thu Duc).
Defense explanation form (attached file after editing).
Upload, update information on the form - defense score, defense date, comprehensive PDF of the thesis, correction request, correction content, etc.
The defense results will be officially recognized when students have completed the above regulations.
We request all students to strictly comply with these instructions.
Attached file:
Detailed Information:
Hạ Băng - Media Collaborator, University of Information Technology
English version: Phan Huy Hoang