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  • English

Announcement Regarding Support for Blood Donation Space at the Library

To support the university's Youth Union in organizing the 20th "Voluntary Blood Donation Day" by the Faculty of Information Systems for the year 2023, the library will allocate space in the library lobby (outside the entrance) and the interior space on the ground floor to facilitate the blood donation program. Chairs in the lobby area will also be utilized to support the blood donation registration and examination process.

As this is a meaningful activity, we kindly seek the understanding and cooperation of students when using the library during these specified hours.

The air-conditioned areas on the ground floor and upper floors of the library will continue to operate normally.


Day 1: 7:30 AM - 11:30 AM, November 23, 2023 (Thursday)

Day 2: 7:30 AM - 11:30 AM, November 24, 2023 (Friday)

Location: Library Lobby and Ground Floor Space, VNUHCM - University of Information Technology.

Detailed Information:

Hạ Băng - Communication Collaborator, University of Information Technology

English version: Phan Huy Hoang