The Department of Graduate Studies and Science Technology announces the schedule for the defense of master's theses in the field of Information Technology for the December 2023 session, within the Faculty of Information Science and Engineering as follows:
Time: 8:00 AM, Saturday, December 09, 2023.
Venue: Auditoriums 2 and 3, Ho Chi Minh City Educational Management Academy, 07-09 Nguyen Binh Khiem Street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City.
Room 1 (Auditorium A2, 2nd floor).
Room 2 (Auditorium A3, 3rd floor).
For detailed information, please refer to the attached file.
We wish all students a successful thesis defense.
Attached file
Detailed Information:
Hạ Băng - Contributing Communication Partner, University of Information Technology
Phan Huy Hoang – English version