Title: "Shark-Eyes: A multimodal fusion framework for multi-view-based phishing website detection"
Paper Link: https://doi.org/10.1145/3628797.3629003
- Võ Quang Minh – 20520248 – ATTN2020 (Primary Author)
- Bùi Tấn Hải Đăng – 20520173 – ATTN2020 (Co-Author)
- Trần Kim Ngọc Ngân – 22520002 – KHTN2022 (Co-Author)
- ThS. Phan Thế Duy
- TS. Phạm Văn Hậu
In an era with increasing cybersecurity threats, phishing attacks continue to exploit vulnerabilities in online security. This paper introduces Shark-Eyes, a new model designed to detect phishing websites using a multi-view approach. The proposed method combines two distinct attributes, domain features, and HTML tag features, extracted from target websites. The effectiveness of the Shark-Eyes model is evaluated through comprehensive experiments on a dataset collected from Phishtank, OpenPhish, and Alexa, including real-world phishing cases. The results demonstrate the strength and effectiveness of the Shark-Eyes model in accurately identifying phishing websites, showing its potential as a powerful tool to enhance online security and prevent malicious activities.
The students express their sincere gratitude to Thầy Phạm Văn Hậu, Head of the Information Security Department, for creating a dynamic academic environment for their participation. They also thank Thầy Phan Thế Duy, Deputy Head of the Information Security Lab, for his guidance, direction, and enthusiasm for research, which has helped them continuously improve their research work and themselves.
SOICT (Symposium on Information and Communication Technology) is an international scientific conference covering important research areas such as AI Foundations and Big Data, Network Communication and Security, Image and Natural Language Processing, Software Engineering and Digital Technology, Blockchain, and Operations Research trends. The 12th International SOICT 2023 conference will be held in Ho Chi Minh City and is organized by the School of Information and Communication Technology of Hanoi University of Science and Technology, the University of Natural Sciences, Ho Chi Minh City University of Science, the Laboratory Informatics, Modelling and Optimisation System (LIMOS), the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), and the High Institute for Applied Science and Technology.
The conference will feature keynote speakers and presentations from renowned experts worldwide. The SOICT 2023 proceedings will be published and archived in the ACM Digital Library as part of the ACM International Conference Proceedings Series (ICPS). SOICT 2023 will be indexed by DBLP, Ei Compendex, Scopus, and Clarivate Analytics Web of Science (ISI Web of Science).
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Written by: Hai Bang
Translated by: Ngoc Diem