- Eligibility:
Participants include trade union officials, union members, and workers currently residing and working within Vietnam, as well as Vietnamese laborers studying abroad (referred to collectively as participants).
- Contest Topics:
- Understanding the Congresses of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor and the purpose, significance, and content of the documents of the 13th Congress.
- Creating messages (short stories, poems, chants, articles, photos, videos, etc.) about successful models, good practices, outstanding achievements of the 2018-2023 term, and positive impressions of the organization and trade union officials.
- Message:
- "Officials, union members, and workers express trust, bestowing expectations on the 13th Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Congress."
- Contest Format:
The contest consists of two stages:
4.1. Stage 1: "CONVEYING TRUST"
- Multiple-choice and essay questions on the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor's online testing platform (at https:/congdoanvietnam.org).
- The contest spans three weeks, corresponding to three testing sessions. Each participant can take the test twice in each session, featuring 20 multiple-choice questions and 1 essay question. Each multiple-choice question has 2 to 4 answer options, with only one correct option. Participants have 20 minutes to complete the test, with the ability to change answers. Each correct multiple-choice answer is worth 1 point, and the total multiple-choice score is 20 points. The essay question is worth 5 points.
- Testing instructions are available in the attached Appendix to the Plan.
- Individuals and groups upload their contest entries, as outlined in section 2.2, item II, to personal and union social media pages (Facebook) with the hashtags #ĐH13CĐVN#niemtin&kyvong.
- The contest spans two weeks, starting from November 26, 2023, to December 10, 2023.
- Testing instructions are available in the attached Appendix to the Plan.
For more detailed information, please visit https://congdoanvietnam.org/cuoc-thi/niem-tin-ky-vong-ve-dai-hoi-xiii-co...
Hạ Băng - Collaborator, Media Relations, University of Information Technology.
English version: Phan Huy Hoang