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Meeting Le Van Huy - From Encouragement Award to Silver Medal in the National Student Mathematics Olympiad

Meeting Le Van Huy: From Encouragement Award to Silver Medal in the Mathematics Olympiad

In the 30th National Student Mathematics Olympiad held in Da Nang from April 8th to April 13th, 2024, Le Van Huy, a first-year student from the Faculty of Software Engineering at UIT, shone brightly by winning the silver medal. Let's delve into Huy's journey and emotions.

Coming from the foundation of being awarded the Encouragement Prize in the National Mathematics Olympiad for excellent students, which granted him direct admission to the University of Information Technology, Huy had aspired from his early days at UIT to join the university's Mathematics Olympiad team to participate in major mathematical competitions. With a passion for both mathematics and technology, Huy not only excelled in his studies but also secured a spot on the Mathematics Olympiad team since his first year.

Huy's path to success relied not only on personal patience and determination but also on meticulous preparation and profound understanding of mathematical principles. He demonstrated outstanding abilities in solving problems logically and accurately, based on a solid foundation in calculus.

Through these achievements, we realize that success stems not only from personal effort but also from preparation and specialized knowledge. Le Van Huy serves as a prime example of the combination of aptitude and deep training in mathematics. Finally, when asked for advice for other students, Huy shared, "Always believe in your own abilities and never stop practicing. Never give up on your dreams because with perseverance, anything is possible." Le Van Huy's success is not only his personal pride but also a source of encouragement for many other students. We hope that his story will continue to spread inspiration and motivation to those pursuing their passion for mathematics and technology.

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