Throughout the Spring Volunteer campaign, we have faced many difficulties and challenges to achieve valuable accomplishments. To attain these results, we undoubtedly cannot overlook the enthusiasm and effort from our soldiers.
To summarize the campaign and enhance team spirit, the Spring Volunteer Command proudly organizes the Union Day for the Spring Volunteer Campaign 2024.
Details of the program:
Date: 27/01/2024.
Morning session (Gathering at 8:30 AM): Enjoy a super fun team-building activity.
Afternoon session (Gathering at 2:30 PM): The Union Day will take place at the Spring Corner of UIT.
Location: University of Information Technology, VNUHCM.
For more details, visit:
Dong Xanh - Media Collaborator, University of Information Technology
Nhat Hien - Translation Collaborator, University of Information Technology