On May 19, 2018, SECDAY 2018 - Security Day 2018 - the largest information security event took place at the University of Information Technology – VNUHCM (UIT)
Following the success of SECDAY 2017, SECDAY 2018 held by Faculty of Computer Networks and Communications. The festival is accompanied by Viettel Network Security Center, E-CQURITY Company and Singalarity Media sponsorship.
SECDAY 2018 includes 3 main activities: SEC Talk, SEC Interview, SEC Game. The event attracted more than 400 students, speakers, alumni, security experts from businesses and sponsors.
During SEC Talk in the morning, the speakers presented 6 interesting topics on information security and security (ATTT) such as: On May 19, 2018, SECDAY 2018 - Security Day 2018 - the largest information security event took place at the University of Information Technology IT).
Following the success of SECDAY 2017, SECDAY 2018 held by Computer Science & Communication (MMT & TT). The festival is accompanied by Viettel Network Security Center, E-CQURITY Company and Singalarity Media sponsorship.
SECDAY 2018 includes 3 main activities: SEC Talk, SEC Interview, SEC Game. The event attracted more than 400 students, speakers, alumni, security experts from businesses and sponsors.
During SEC Talk in the morning, the speakers presented 6 interesting topics on information security such as:
1. Cybersecurity for the 90% - Diễn giả: Lê Đình Long, thành viên sáng lập tổ chức vnSecurity, IT/Security Director tại công ty TMA Solutions;
2. The journey of Telerik vulnerability CVE-2017-11317 – Speaker: Phạm Văn Khánh, from Viettel Information Security - Network Security Specialist;
3. Bug Hunter: The Untold Story – Speaker: Nguyễn Thành Nguyên, specialist of Network Security at PwC;
4. Everything you need to know about client-side web hacking – Speaker: Nguyễn Thế Đức, alumni from UIT;
5. Introduction to Ethereum Smart Contract Programming – Speaker: Đặng Lê Bảo Chương, lecturer from Faculty of Computer Networks and Communications; 2 students Võ Cao Thùy Linh & Cao Minh Khôi;
6. Viettel Security Center & directions for future career of information security – Speaker: Trần Minh Quảng, Head of malware Analysis Office.
Opening the ceremony, Doctor Pham Van Hau - Director of Network Security Center shared the important role of information security with the modern life and operation of enterprises. Doctor Pham Van Hau is confident that SECDAY 2018 will help strengthen the Faculty of Computer Networks and Communications with Information Security enterprises, alumni, experts in the field. In addition to the above criteria, SECDAY 2018 will bring a healthy playing field, to promote the learning movement, the spirit of research of students within the Faculty of Computer Networks and Communications versus UIT.
Doctor Pham Van Hau grants donation gratitude to sponsors
In the afternoon of the same day, SECDAY 2018 continued with the SEC Interview and SEC Game. Students have the opportunity to interact directly with industry representatives with company representatives. Students directly recruit interviews - internships with companies. SEC Interview takes place in the intimate ambiance of over 200 invited students, thereby helping to address the concerns of students in career orientation & knowledge, skills for real work.
SEC Interview - Business representatives exchange with students
Followed by the SEC Game with the contest - UIT Hacking Contest S Season 2018 with the form CTF Jeopardy. The competition creates a thrilling academic exchange and drama. SEC Game is divided into 2 tables: Junior and Senior Table. The Junior table is for UIT students and a number of guest teams from neighboring schools who have never won CTF competitions at the school level and who are not members of the school's competitions about information security. Senior table is for students who have participated in CTF regional competitions and above.
At the end of SECDAY 2018, students of Faculty of Computer Networks and Communications receive more opportunities for practical contact. They can talk freely and get useful advice when pursuing the direction of the industry. At the same time, they have new experiences and more solid knowledge and skills in the future.
Some photos at SECDAY 2018
The whole view of SECDAY 2018
Speaker Phạm Văn Khanh presents his presentation
Speaker Nguyễn Thành Nguyên presents his presentation
News: Dương Kim Thùy Linh
Photos: Board of organization of SECDAY 2018