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Student of the Faculty of Data Science Publishes Scientific Paper at International Conference Rank A

Paper: "VlogQA: Task, Dataset, and Baseline Models for Vietnamese Spoken-Based Machine Reading Comprehension"

Paper Link:

Students involved:

  • Ngo Phuoc Thinh - KHDL 2019
  • Dang Tran Anh Khoa - KHDL 2019


  • Mr. Luu Thanh Son
  • Mr. Nguyen Van Kiet
  • Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Luu Thuy Ngan


This paper presents the development process of a Vietnamese spoken language corpus for machine reading comprehension (MRC) tasks and provides insights into the challenges and opportunities associated with using real-world data for machine reading comprehension tasks. The existing MRC corpora in Vietnamese mainly focus on formal written documents such as Wikipedia articles, online newspapers, or textbooks. In contrast, the VlogQA consists of 10,076 question-answer pairs based on 1,230 transcript documents sourced from YouTube – an extensive source of user-uploaded content, covering the topics of food and travel. By capturing the spoken language of native Vietnamese speakers in natural settings, an obscure corner overlooked in Vietnamese research, the corpus provides a valuable resource for future research in reading comprehension tasks for the Vietnamese language. Regarding performance evaluation, our deep-learning models achieved the highest F1 score of 75.34% on the test set, indicating significant progress in machine reading comprehension for Vietnamese spoken language data. In terms of EM, the highest score we accomplished is 53.97%, which reflects the challenge in processing spoken-based content and highlights the need for further improvement.

The team would like to extend sincere thanks to Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Luu Thuy Ngan, Mr. Luu Thanh Son, and Mr. Nguyen Van Kiet - those who have guided and supported us throughout the project. Thanks to the inspiration, ideas, and care of our supervisor, we have successfully completed the project.

Detailed Information:

Hạ Băng - Media Collaborator, University of Information Technology

English version: Phan Huy Hoang