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3rd-year female student majoring in Software Engineering wins the Silver Medal in the 30th National Student Mathematics Olympiad


The 3rd-year female student majoring in Software Engineering won the Silver Medal in the 30th National Student Mathematics Olympiad.

In the 30th National Student Mathematics Olympiad held in Da Nang, there was a shining example from the field of Software Engineering, University of Information Technology - Le Thi Bich Loan. With perseverance and a strong passion for mathematics, Loan has made her mark by winning the Silver Medal. Loan devoted herself to solving complex Algebra problems. But her true strength does not only come from her expertise but also from her passionate heart and relentless determination. It is the perfect combination of intellect and fervor that has brought her a medal worthy of pride.

The competition is not just about knowledge and intelligence but also a test of spirit and will. Loan went through moments of tension, faced with complex problems and pressure from competitors. But with patience and determination, she overcame all difficulties, scored impressively, and achieved a glorious position. Loan's success is not only her own pride but also the honor of UIT.

Wishing Loan to continue her career path with full passion and perseverance. Hopefully, the next steps of the 3rd-year female student majoring in Software Engineering will continue to be demonstrated by brilliant and impressive successes. Always maintain the spirit and be ready to face any challenges because we believe that, with patience and effort, Loan will reach new heights!

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