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CTXH CUP - Announcement of Team Lineups and Schedule

In recent days, I'm sure all of you have heard about or even eagerly anticipated the CTXH CUP, right? And since the tournament is already "in the works," we won't keep everyone waiting any longer. We officially announce the team lineups and schedule right below!

The CTXH CUP is organized to promote camaraderie, and foster physical and team spirit development. Therefore, the Team hopes to receive the support and cheer from all of you, with the message "joy comes first." See you, the fans, at the football field!

Tournament information:

Match time: 17:00 - 19:00 on March 26, 28, and 30, 2024 (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday)

Venue: Liên Hợp Football Field (behind Dormitory A)

Participants: UIT students

Prize structure:

Champion: Trophy + Medal

Runner-up: Medal

Special: Participation in matches earns training points and the opportunity to be recognized for the "Good Physical Fitness" criterion in evaluating the "Five Good Students" title

Detailed Information: 

Hạ Băng - Media Collaborator, University of Information Technology

English version: Phan Huy Hoang