The transition from being more "playful" than "studious" is how Cao Thi Bich Phuong (born in 2001) described her initial days stepping into university, embracing the vibrant city life. However, after...
Title of the paper: "Fast Camera Motion Compensation Based Kalman Filter and Cascade Association for Multi-object Tracking"
Paper Link:
The outstanding individual in question is none other than Tran Kim Ngoc Ngan, a student in the Talented Computer Science program, majoring in Computer Science. Despite being only a second-year...
The Computer Networks & Communications Faculty, University of Information Technology (UIT), organized a ceremony to honor and reward students who achieved high results in academic competitions in...
According to SVVN - Che Quang Huy (born in 2000) is a dual-major student in Computer Engineering and Computer Science at University of Information Technology (UIT). Recently, he graduated with...
Paper Title: “TrustFedHealth: Federated Learning with Homomorphic Encryption and Blockchain for Heart Disease Prediction in Smart Healthcare”
Student Contributors:
Bùi Tấn Hải Đăng (Talent -...
Dear all students and guiding professors,
The Department of Training and Scientific Research (DTSĐH&KHCN) announces the list of student research projects registered for approval in the second...
A group of students majoring in Information Security (Computer Networks and Communications Faculty) participated in presenting their research results on the topic of Blockchain at the 12th...
Paper: "Gendec: A Machine Learning-based Framework for Gender Detection from Japanese Names"
Paper link: Gendec: A Machine Learning-based Framework for Gender Detection from Japanese Names