Title: "A Text-based Approach For Link Prediction on Wikipedia Articles"
Tran Hoàng Anh – 20521079 – KHDL2020 – Main Author
Nguyen Minh Tam – 20520748 – KHDL2020 – Co-Author
Supervisor: MS....
The Vietnam International Innovation Expo 2023 (VIIE 2023) took place over 5 days at the National Innovation Center (NIC) in Hoa Lac Hi-Tech Park. In its second edition, VIIE 2023 attracted nearly...
Title: Data Augmentation with GPT-3.5 for Vietnamese Natural Language Inference
Student: Mai Hieu Hien – 20521305 – KHCL2020.2 – Main Author
Supervisor: Dr. Luong Ngoc Hoang
In this paper,...
The Student Affairs Office informs all students about the schedule for the Graduation Ceremony and Diploma Award Ceremony for Batch 2, 2023, specifically for students who have registered for...
Congratulations to TeamT - Wanna.W1n's member, UIT.EXOcism, for achieving an Encouragement Award in the Semi-finals of the ASEAN 2023 Student Competition on Information Security. They secured the...
Paper Title: "Understanding the Role of Population Experiences in Proximal Distilled Evolutionary Reinforcement Learning"
Student Author:
• Nguyễn Thái Huy – 20520547 – KHMT2020 – Main Author...
Title: "A Multimodal Deep Learning Approach for Efficient Vulnerability Detection in Smart Contracts"
Paper Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KKhsMLzhL1gBLzCDPiqYfn6kqw43xtR9/view
The research paper is a result of their work on creating an efficient information retrieval solution for everyday life events from video data during the AI Challenge HCMC 2023. It's an encouraging...